Igår utforskade J och jag Baden lite grann efter tyskan. Vi började med att gå uppför ganska många trappsteg...

Till slut var vi framme vid vårt mål: ruinen av Schloss Stein. Och det är verkligen bara en ruin. Inga torn att klättra upp i och inte så många skrymslen och vrår att utforska. Men ett helt okej litet utflyktsmål i alla fall.

1 kommentar:
Hi Ulrika, thank you for stopping by and commenting on my Villigen blog. I can't say that I understand much of your blog, except where the words are similar enough to German words and the pictures and context fill in the gaps.. correctly, I hope!
On the matter of flour. While I can't say that this will apply in your case, I've found that over the course of time I've been here, I've discovered sources for many of the things that I originally couldn't find. The variety of items on offer can vary from shop to shop and region to region, and I've found certain things at the Reformhaus-shops or in the Bioladen or the independent ethnic shops that I can't find at the various Coops or Migros... Of course, there's a financial premium to pay, and a lot of time to shop around! As a gainfully employed person at the PSI, you can't possibly have time to do this.
Well, thanks again and hope to see you around!
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